Please note that I am not at present accepting new instructions.  I hope to be able to resume doing so later this year. 

Areas of work

My work falls into three main areas


Sometimes problems arise in connection with taxation advice given historically.
 Obtaining redress will require it to be established (among other things) that the adviser was 'negligent' in a legal sense: something for which the opinion of an independent tax expert is often indispensable.

with tax authorities

The archetype of a dispute where tax expertise is required is where HMRC have questioned the correctness of tax returns.  This may range from a disagreement as to the technical treatment of an expense or receipt through to a challenge as to the fundamental accuracy of the accounts, perhaps involving an allegation of fraud.


You may want - or need -  to head off an investigation by HMRC by making a voluntary disclosure of past irregularities.  Or you may simply be unsure as to how best to declare on your annual tax return a particular transaction where the correct tax treatment may be open to question.  In either case  I can assist.